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  发布日期:2021-09-14  浏览次数:

Short Courses by Professors from Overseas 2022


Spring Semester, 2022

Why Did Industrial Revolution Not Happen in China First? 经济学讲座13ECON830070

Instructor: Debin Ma, Professor of Economic History, University of Oxford

Professor Debin Ma | Faculty of History (

TA: Jiacheng Zhang, [email protected]

Teaching Schedule:

19:20-21:35 Wednesday March 16

19:20-21:35 Thursday March 17

19:20-21:35 Saturday March 19

19:20-21:35 Sunday March 20

19:20-21:35 Tuesday March 22

19:20-21:35 Wednesday March 23

Classroom: online via Zoom

Instructor’s Bio:

Debin Ma is Professor of Economic History at the University of Oxford. He is also Visiting Professor at the Department of Economic History at London School of Economics and research associate with CEPR. He obtained his PhD in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and had taught in the United States, UK, Japan and China. His research interest includes (1) long-term economic growth in East Asia; (2) international comparison of living standards, human capital and productivity; (3) institutions, legal traditions, long-run growth and global history; and (4) economics of the silk sector. With Loren Brandt and Thomas G. Rawski and published a journal paper ‘From Divergence to Convergence: Re-evaluating the History behind China’s Economic Boom’ on the Journal of Economic Literature. He is also the co-editor of the forthcoming two volume Cambridge Economic History of China.

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