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  发布日期:2021-09-14  浏览次数:

Short Courses by Professors from Overseas 2021


Fall semester 2021

1. The EU Economic Policy Framework - An Insider's View (经济学讲座6,ECON830054)

Instructor: Georg M. BUSCH, University of Economics and Business, Vienna

TA: Jiacheng Zhang, [email protected]

Teaching Schedule (UPDATED):

17:00-19:35 Wednesday 13 October

17:00-19:35 Thursday 14 October

17:00-19:35 Wednesday 20 October

17:00-19:35 Thursday 21 October

17:00-19:35 Friday 22 October

17:00-19:35 Monday 25 October

Classroom: live-streaming classes via Zoom

Instructor's Bio:

Georg M. BUSCH,现为维也纳经济管理大学讲师,曾先后于维也纳大学、国际教育规划学院求学。1973年至1977年间任职经济合作与发展组织(OECD)教育、人力、社会事务局管理人员,负责教育、失业、收入再分配的政策分析。1977年至1997年就职于奥地利经济研究所,研究财政/社会政策问题,经济周期分析与预测,宏观调控与国际经济。1993-94年任OECD经济学部主要管理人员,负责德国/奥地利事宜。1997年至2012年,Georg入职欧盟委员会担任经济顾问,负责财政、欧洲货币联盟预算政策分析,并先后担任D-2(G7经济问题)副负责人和F-1(成员国经济)负责人。2013年至今,Georg进入维亚纳经济管理大学担任讲师。


2. Economic Growth and Development (经济学讲座3,ECON830051)

Instructor: Michael Graff, Professor and Head of Division Business Cycle Research/Economic Forecasting, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich

TA: Jiacheng Zhang, [email protected]

Teaching Schedule:

15:00-16:30 Wednesday 22 September

19:30-21:00 Wednesday 22 September

17:00-18:30 Thursday 23 September

19:30-21:00 Thursday 23 September

17:00-18:30 Friday 24 September

19:30-21:00 Friday 24 September

15:00-16:30 Wednesday 29 September

19:30-21:00 Wednesday 29 September

15:00-16:30 Thursday 30 September

Classroom: live-streaming classes via Zoom

Instructor's Bio:

Michael Graff教授于1994年、2000年分别获得德国汉堡大学、德国德累斯顿工业大学经济学博士学位,现为瑞士苏黎世联邦高等工学院KOF瑞士经济研究所教授、经济预测部研究主管,他的研究针对社会科学的多个领域,重点是国际视角下与经济体和社会表现相关的、含政策内容的应用性研究。尤其值得一提的是,他从事金融、政治和社会经济子系统功能的比较分析。此外, 他的研究领域还包括资本主义、劳动力市场、教育、技术历史、货币政策、贸易政策、国际商业周期和经济预测变量。近年论文发表于International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies、Journal of Trade and Global Markets、Global Economy Journal、CESifo Economic Studies、International Review of Applied Economics、Applied Economics.


Spring semester 2021

1. Historical, Global, and Environmental Perspectives on Chinese Economic Development (经济学讲座5,ECON830053)

Instructor: R. Bin Wong, Distinguished Professor of History, UCLA


TA: Kevin Powers Tenggario, [email protected] 

Teaching Schedule:

08:00-10:40 Monday 12th April

08:00-10:40 Tuesday 13th April

08:00-10:40 Wednesday 14th April

08:00-10:40 Monday 19th April

08:00-10:40 Tuesday 20th April

08:00-10:40 Wednesday 21st April

Classroom: online via Zoom

Instructor’s bio

R. Bin Wong is Distinguished Professor of History and was Director of the Asia Institute at UCLA from 2004 through 2016. His research has examined Chinese patterns of political, economic and social change both within Asian regional contexts and compared with more familiar European patterns, as part of the larger scholarly efforts underway to make world history speak to contemporary conditions of globalization.

He is author or editor of several books, including China Transformed: Historical Change and the Limits of European Experience (1997) and Before and Beyond Divergence: The Politics of Economic Change in China and Europe (2011), along with more than ninety articles published in North America, East Asia and Europe. Since 2009 he has been a Distinguished Guest Professor at the Fudan University Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences. He also serves on the International Advisory Board of the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes and on the Berggruen Institute on Philosophy and Culture Academic Board.


2. Why Did Industrial Revolution Not Happen in China First? (经济学讲座16,ECON830073)

Instructor: Debin Ma, Economic History Department, London School of Economics

TA: Jiacheng Zhang, [email protected] 

Teaching Schedule:

16:20-17:50 Wednesday 31st March

18:30-20:45 Thursday 1st April

16:20-17:50 Tuesday 6th April

16:20-17:50 Wednesday 7th April

18:30-20:45 Thursday 8th April

16:20-17:50 Friday 9th April

16:20-17:50 Monday 12th April

16:20-17:50 Tuesday 13th April

Classroom: online via Zoom

Instructor’s Bio:

Debin Ma is Professor of Economics at the Institute of Economic Research at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo Japan. He is also Visiting Professor at the Department of Economic History at London School of Economics and research associate with CEPR. He obtained his PhD in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and had taught in the United States, UK, Japan and China. His research interest includes (1) long-term economic growth in East Asia; (2) international comparison of living standards, human capital and productivity; (3) institutions, legal traditions, long-run growth and global history; and (4) economics of the silk sector. With Loren Brandt and Thomas G. Rawski and published a journal paper ‘From Divergence to Convergence: Re-evaluating the History behind China’s Economic Boom’ on the Journal of Economic Literature. He is also the co-editor of the forthcoming two volume Cambridge Economic History of China.

