Profile of the university: //
鲁汶大学创建于1425 年,是比利时最大、排名最高的大学,也是欧洲最古老及最受人尊敬的大学之一。 鲁汶大学座落于比利时荷兰语区的佛兰德省鲁汶市。鲁汶拥有54000 名学生,是一个具有丰富的文化和体育活动的安全及充满活力的学生城市。国际化都市、大学及其中心位置营造一份独特的国际化氛围。乘坐火车可以快速到达布鲁塞尔、巴黎、伦敦等欧洲国家的首都。
Rankings of the university: //
鲁汶大学致力于打造“卓越研究”这一强大的国际声誉。作为一所综合性大学,它在跨学科的环境下,不仅追求由好奇心驱动的战略前沿研究,而且还追求有针对性的、由需求驱动的研究。鲁汶大学是欧洲研究大学联盟 (the League of European Research Universities –LERU) 的创始成员之一,是选定的杰出的研究型大学集团,为欧洲的科技研究定下了基调。鲁汶大学拥有从最具有选择性、最具有竞争力的研究基金那里确保研究基金的良好纪录,包括欧洲研究委员会颁发的“高级研究人员基金”。鲁汶大学是继牛津大学、剑桥大学、帝国学院和苏黎世联邦理工学院之后,在欧洲第七科技框架计划总基金排名第五的大学。鲁汶大学的研究成果始终跻身于欧洲顶级行列。
Profile of the Faculty of Economics and Business: //
The FEB programme portfolio aims at allowing students to specialise in one or more (sub)
domains of economics, business economics, business administration and management.
Aside from more general programmes, it offers specialised programmes that educate
students towards specific professions or respond to a specific societal need. Moreover, FEB
explicitly focuses on interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity, supplementing the study of
business economics with a considerable input from other disciplines, including the sciences
and engineering sciences. Finally, FEB aims to offer broadening study programmes, which
target students who have attained a degree in a field of study other than that of (business)
At campus Leuven, FEB courses in fields such as economics and finance tend to be very analytical. Bachelor students should be well versed in mathematics/Statistics. For Brussels & Antwerp, the courses have a more hands-on approach, with slightly less focus on quantitative skills and slightly more on Management skills.
Incoming exchange students: