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陈 钊、万广华、陆 铭:《中国社会科学(英文版 2011.2)》Inter-industry Inequality: An Important Source of the Urban Income Gap—Regression-based Decomposition

  发布日期:2011-02-25  浏览次数:

Inter-industry Inequality:An Important Source of the Urban Income Gap—Regression-based Decomposition

陈钊 万广华 陆铭 《中国社会科学》英文版 2011年2月


Abstract:Regression-based decomposition of inter-industry earnings differentials shows that in 1988, 1995 and 2002, inter-industry earnings differentials made an increasing contribution to urban earnings inequality in China. The primary reason for the widening gap lay in monopoly industries. At the same time, geographical location, educational level, type of enterprise ownership, type of occupation and whether the individual had a second jobalso contributed to rising earnings inequality, while age and being fully employed made a decreasing contribution. Therefore, if China is to reduce the earnings gap it is imperative that we remove barriers to labor market entry and break down some monopoly industriesin the product market. Additionally, reducing obstacles to the free movement of labor and

improving workers’ educational level should also be important elements of the government’s

strategy for reducing the urban income gap in future.

关键词:行业垄断 收入差距 分解夏普里值

Key words: monopoly industries, decomposition of income differentials, Shapley value
