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2017春bet365在线体育投注 讲座课程 Short Courses (Spring 2017)

  发布日期:2016-12-28  浏览次数:

2017春讲座课程-Short Courses, Spring Semester 2017


The Jiang Xuemo Economics Lectures


第57期(bet365在线体育投注 研究生课程表中的讲座2,ECON830050)

Wing Thye Woo(胡永泰)

Professor, Department of Economics, UC Davis


Course title:The New Normal International Economy: New Challenges to Economic Management in China & Other Countries

Classroom:Daikin Hall, SOE

Assessment:6:00-9:00 pm May 4 (Rm.205)


9:00-11:30 am March 13 (Monday)

6:30-9:00 pm March 13 (Monday)

2:00-4:30 pm March 14 (Tuesday) (Rm.801)

6:30-9:00 pm March 14 (Tuesday)

6:30-9:00 pm March 15 (Wednesday)

9:00-11:30 am March 16 (Thursday)





第58期(bet365在线体育投注 研究生课程表中的讲座3,ECON830051)

Yan BAI(白艳)

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Rochester

Course title: Quantitative Macroeconomics

Classroom:201, SOE



9:00-11:30 am June 12 (Monday)

6:30-9:00 pm June 12 (Monday)

2:00-4:30 pm June 13 (Tuesday) (Rm.710)

6:30-9:00 pm June 14 (Wednesday)

9:00-11:30 am June 15 (Thursday)

2:00-4:30 pm June 16 (Friday)


白艳,美国罗切斯特⼤学副教授。1996年上海财经大学财务系本科毕业,1999年获北京⼤学经济学硕士,2005年获美国明尼苏达⼤学经济学博士。曾任美国亚利桑那州立大学助教授,美国联邦储备银行明尼阿波利斯分行及普林斯顿大学访问学者。主要研究方向为宏观经济学和国际经济学。研究成果在Econometrica, Journal of Monetary Economics, and Journal of International Economics等经济学期刊发表。她的近期研究重点是美国和欧洲金融危机。

第59期(bet365在线体育投注 研究生课程表中的讲座5,ECON830053)

Yi (Daniel) XU(徐熠)

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Duke University


Course title:Productivity, Innovation, and Industry Dynamics

Classroom: 205, SOE



9:00-11:30 am June 8 (Thursday)

2:00-4:30 pm June 9 (Friday)

9:00-11:30 am June 12 (Monday)

2:00-4:30 pm June 13 (Tuesday)

6:30-9:00 pm June 14 (Wednesday)

9:00-11:30 am June 15 (Thursday)


2007年获宾夕法尼亚州立大学经济学博士学位,现为Duke大学经济学副教授,曾任教于纽约大学。主要研究领域为Empirical Industrial Organization,在AER、RJE等期刊发表多篇论文。


1.bet365在线体育投注 研究生课程表中的讲座14,ECON830071

Debin Ma, Associate Professor, Department of Economic History, LSE

Course title: Why Did Industrial Revolution Not Happen in China First?

Classroom: 205, SOE


9:00-11:30 am Mar. 6 (Monday)

6:30-9:00 pm Mar. 8 (Wednesday)

2:00-4:30 pm Mar. 10 (Friday)

9:00-11:30 am Mar. 13 (Monday)

6:30-9:00 pm Mar. 15 (Wednesday)

2:00-4:30 pm Mar. 17 (Friday)


Debin Ma is Associate Professor of the Department of Economic History at London School of Economics, with research affiliation to Australian National University, the University of Warwick. He is also Secretary General of International Economic History Association. He obtained his PhD in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and had taught in the United States, Japan and China. His research interest includes (1) long-term economic growth in East Asia; (2) international comparison of living standards, human capital and productivity; (3) institutions, legal traditions, long-run growth and global history; and (4) economics of the silk sector. He recently worked with Loren Brandt and Thomas G. Rawski and published a journal paper ‘From Divergence to Convergence: Re-evaluating the History behind China’s Economic Boom’ on the Journal of Economic Literature.

2.bet365在线体育投注 研究生课程表中的讲座16,ECON830073

R. Bin Wong, Distinguished Professor of History, Director of the Asia Institute, UCLA


Course title: Political Economies of Chinese Development, 1600-2100

Classroom: 205, SOE


9:00-11:30 am Mar. 20 (Monday)

6:30-9:00 pm Mar. 22 (Wednesday)

6:30-9:00 pm Mar. 23 (Thursday)

9:00-11:30 am Mar. 27 (Monday)

9:00-11:30 am Mar. 29 (Wednesday)

2:00-4:30 pm Mar. 31 (Friday)


王国斌(R.Bin Wong),美籍华裔,现任洛杉矶加州大学(UCLA.)的亚洲研究所所长,本科毕业于密歇根大学经济学系,后进入哈佛大学,师从著名历史学家费正清先生和孔飞力先生,在中国史与欧洲史均极有建树。2004年进入UCLA之前,王教授任加州大学欧文分校亚洲研究中心主任、历史与经济学讲座教授。王教授研究中国的政治、经济和社会变革模式,尤其自18世纪以来的情况。王教授的研究既着眼于亚洲地区环境,也注重与欧洲模式的比较。王国斌教授辗转于经济学和历史学之间,用历史学解读经济学,用欧洲史解读中国史,是崛起的“加州学派”之中坚。著有《转变中国:历史变化和欧洲经验之局限》等。他的著作中以《转变的中国:历史变迁及欧洲经验的局限》为最著名,该书译成几国语言出版。

R. Bin Wong is Distinguished Professor of History and was Director of the Asia Institute at UCLA from 2004 through 2016. His research has examined Chinese patterns of political, economic and social change both within Asian regional contexts and compared with more familiar European patterns, as part of the larger scholarly efforts underway to make world history speak to contemporary conditions of globalization.

He is author or editor of several books, including China Transformed: Historical Change and the Limits of European Experience (1997) and Before and Beyond Divergence: The Politics of Economic Change in China and Europe (2011), along with more than ninety articles published in North America, East Asia and Europe. Since 2009 he has been a Distinguished Guest Professor at the Fudan University Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences. He also serves on the International Advisory Board of the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes and on the Berggruen Institute on Philosophy and Culture Academic Board.

3.bet365在线体育投注 研究生课程表中的讲座4,ECON830052

Dr. Thomas Simpson, Executive in Residence of Economics, Cameron School of Business, University of North Carolina Wilmington


Course title: The Financial System: Illustrated by the United States


9:00-11:30 am Mar. 27 (Monday, Rm. 801)

6:30-9:00 pm Mar. 29 (Wednesday, Rm. 205)

6:30-9:00 pm Mar. 30 (Thursday, Rm. 205)

9:00-11:30 am Apr. 3 (Monday, Rm. 205)

6:30-9:00 pm Apr. 5 (Wednesday, Rm. 205)

6:30-9:00 pm Apr. 6 (Thursday, Rm. 205)

Final exam: Rm. 205, SOE, 11:50-13:20, April 19, 2017


Dr. Thomas D. Simpson, Executive in Residence, joins the Department of Economics & Finance after his retirement from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington, DC. He received his A.B. in economics from the University of Minnesota and his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago. Dr. Simpson has focused his professional career on monetary policy and financial markets—serving as a senior official at the Federal Reserve Board and to the Federal Open Market Committee. He has been a resident advisor to the Central Bank of Russia and is a principal advisor to the Central Bank of Iraq. He has published articles in various professional journals and is author of 'Money, Banking, and Economic Analysis.'


For some time, the U.S. financial system has been in the vanguard of innovation. Some of these innovations have involved change to traditional institutions, such as investment banks, while others have taken the form of new institutions and forms of finance, such as private equity funds securitization. These developments have been changing the ways in which financing is occurring and the ways in which risk is distributed around the economy. This course will examine these developments as they relate to investment and commercial banks, hedge and private equity funds, mutual funds, securitization, and private debt and equity markets. In addition, the course will examine areas of vulnerability of the U.S. financial system to a crisis and public policies aimed at addressing these vulnerabilities.

4.bet365在线体育投注 研究生课程表中的讲座1,ECON830049

Dr. Krisztina Kolos, Associate Professor, Institute of Marketing and Media, Department of Marketing, Corvinus University of Budapest

Course title: Brand and Product Strategies


9:00 am -12:25 June 5 (Monday, Rm. 514)

1:30-4:55 pm June 6 (Tuesday, Rm. 205)

9:00 am -12:25 June 7 (Wednesday, Rm. 514)

9:00 am -12:25 June 8 (Thursday, Rm. 514)

3:00-5:00 pm June 9 (Friday, Rm. 514)
