如有同学计划2019春赴比利时安特卫普大学交流,可以在2018年3月27日之前在www.bet365wager.com/exchange网申,经院将挑选一名学生3月28日与对方学生一起提交Duo-Belgium/Flanders Fellowship奖学金申请文件。
DUO-Belgium/Flanders Fellowship Program aims of promoting exchanges of students between Belgium/Flanders and 4 Asian countries (China, India, South-Korea and Vietnam) on a balanced and permanent basis. In this respect, DUO-Belgium/Flanders requires that a PAIR (two persons) of students will be exchanged in the framework of a cooperative project. A DUO grant of €8000 can be awarded to our students. More information about the ASEM DUO grant can be found here://www.asemduo.org/02_programs/programs_05.php