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2019秋比利时安特卫普大学院级交流项目补申请通知(附ASEM DUO奖学金申请通知)和推荐名单

  发布日期:2019-03-18  浏览次数:

学院国际合作办收到比利时安特卫普大学邮件,2019-20学年赴该校交流的同学,可申请ASEM DUO奖学金。有兴趣申请2019秋比利时安特卫普大学院级交流项目并同时申请ASEM DUO奖学金的同学,请在3月24日上午10点之前于网申,附件不用上传,同时请提交交流评估表至学院3楼学生服务中心。咨询电话:55665631,电邮

The ASEM DUO Scholarship Programme:

DUO-Belgium/Flanders Fellowship Program aims of promoting exchanges of students between Belgium/Flanders and 4 Asian countries (China, India, South-Korea and Vietnam) on a balanced and permanent basis. In this respect, DUO-Belgium/Flanders requires that a PAIR (two persons) of students will be exchanged in the framework of a cooperative project. A DUO grant of €8000 can be awarded to our students. More information about the ASEM DUO grant can be found here: //

We have 4 effective candidates from the University of Antwerp who have applied for the ASEM DUO scholarship and are nominated to study at Fudan University in 2019/2020.

We can link them to your students and submit 4 application for the ASEM DUO scholarship.

Should you have any nominees for exchange to the University of Antwerp in 2019/2020, please inform the students about this scholarship.


