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复旦经济学系讲座:Mind what your voters read: Media exposure and international economic policy making

  发布日期:2015-11-02  浏览次数:
题目: Mind what your voters read: Media exposure and international economic policy making

报告人:Giovanni Facchini (School of Economics, University of Nottingham)

时间: 2015年11月3日 13:30-15:00

地点: bet365在线体育投注-bet365网站 514会议室

Abstract: We investigate how media exposure affects elected representatives’ response to preferences on immigration and trade policy. Using a novel dataset spanning the period 1986-2004, in which we match individual opinion surveys with congressmen roll call votes, we find that greater exposure to media coverage tends to increase a politician’s accountability when it comes to migration policy making, while we find no effect for trade policy. Our results thus suggest that more information on the behavior of elected officials affects decisions only when the policy issue is perceived to be salient by the electorate. 
JEL classi cation: F22, J61.
Keywords: Trade Reforms, Immigration Reforms, Individual preferences, Media exposure.