主题:Innovation to Keep or to Sell and Tax Incentives
主讲:赵来勋 教授
会议时间:2023年9月5日 13:30-15:00
We study how tax policy affects economic growth through entrepreneurs’ choice of commercialization mode. Introducing both heterogeneous quality jumps and a leapfrog versus sell choice into the quality-ladders model, we show that in equilibrium, entrepreneurs use high-quality innovations to leapfrog incumbent firms and become new market leaders, but sell low quality ones to incumbents. Tax incentives that promote leapfrogging slow the rate of innovation. A numerical analysis concludes that subsidies to product design improve welfare. Corporate taxes, capital gains taxes, and subsidies to market entry all harm welfare.
赵来勋,博士,神户大学经济经营研究所教授。承担Nomura Foundation (野村证券基金), International Labor Organization (国际劳工组织), JSPS (日本学术振兴会), JCER (日本经济研究中心)等项目,担任Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Japanese Accounting Review, International Economic Journal, Review of Development Economics等多家SSCI/SCI国际学术期刊的联合主编、主编、副主编和特邀主编职务。曾获日本国际经济学会的小岛清奖。主要授课和研究方向为International Economics, Managerial Economics, Intermediate Microeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, Economic Development等。在Journal of Development Economics, Journal of International Economics, Review of International Economics,Canadian Journal of Economics 等国外顶尖或权威期刊发表/接受论文数十篇,编著学术著作2部。