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bet365在线体育投注 / 科学研究 / 讲座会议预告 / 数量经济与金融系列讲座 / 正文

985数量经济与金融系列讲座第79期:Globalization, Trade & Wages: What Does History tell us about China? with Kris Mitchener

  发布日期:2008-11-19  浏览次数:

题目:Globalization, Trade & Wages: What Does History tell us about China? with Kris Mitchener


Yan Se, Guanhua School of Management, Peking University


4:00-5:30pm, Nov 24(Monday), 2008

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摘要:One of the most contentious issues with respect to the global growth in trade is its effects on wages, particularly for developing countries. During the first three decades of the twentieth century, China experienced a tremendous growth in foreign trade. In this paper, we marshal new data on the factor content of Chinese trade to show that China’s export boom was characterized by a rapid expansion in the production and sale of unskilled-intensive products to the rest of the world. Employing unit value data from Chinese trade statistics, we show that the prices of its key exports rose rapidly during the first three decades of the twentieth century. Using new data on wages for unskilled and skilled workers, we show that, as a result of China’s trade boom, the skill premium flattened out in the 1910s and then fell by 8 percent between 1928 and 1928. Our results suggest that sustained trade booms in developing countries can significantly impact wages.
