题目:The Austrian Economy: Social and Institutional Stability, International Integration and Good Performance
主讲:Walter Scherrer 教授
主持:丁 纯 教授
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Prof. Dr. Walter Scherrer
University of Salzburg, Department of Economics and Social Science
C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e
Walter Scherrer
Born 31 March 1957, in Salzburg, Austria
Academic education and professional:
• M.A. 1981 and Ph.D. 1987 (with honours) in economics, Johannes-Kepler-Univer¬sity in Linz/Austria.
• Assistant Professor (1981), Senior Lecturer (1991), Professor for Economics and Public Finance (since 1997), University of Salzburg.
• Founder and Director (1993 to 1995; again since 2002), Postgraduate Programme on General Management, Co-Founder and Director (since 2005), Postgraduate Programme “Executive International MBA in General Management”, University of Salzburg and University of Salzburg Business School.
• Board member of the WissenschaftsAgentur Salzburg (Knowledge transfer unit of University of Salzburg; since 1997).
• Prize granted for one of the three outstanding theses of the year 1980 at Linz University; Prize for Scientific Research of the City of Salzburg, 1991.
Major fields of research & lecturing:
• Regional economics and regional economic policy (e.g. interdependencies between the cultural sector and other sectors of region’s economy; regional innovation policy).
• Current lecturing: undergraduate econo¬mics courses at the University of Salzburg, various postgraduate programmes at the University of Salzburg Business.
International activities:
Visiting Professor, Fudan University, Economics School/Graduate Studies, Shanghai/ Peoples Republic of China: Course on “Long-term structural change and policy response at the sub-national level”. September/October 2001.
Guest lecturer, University of Bologna, Sede di Forli/Italy (January and February 2006) and University of Ljubljana/Slovenia, Faculty of Administration (Spring semesters 2006 and 2008).
Presentations at international conferences and universities in Austria, China, Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Spain, Tunisia, United Kingdom.
Co-founder and member of the scientific committee of the conference series “International Seminar Regional Innovation Policies” (Porto/Portugal 2007, Salzburg/Austria 2007, Santander/Spain 2008, Edinburgh/Scotland 2009).
Selection of publications (titles of German-language publications are translated)
Labour market dualism: The impact of saturation, new technologies and foreign trade–induced structural change. 207pp. Vienna 1988 (English abstract).
Labour market perspectives for law graduates. A theoretical and empirical analysis XIII+393pp. Regensburg 1991. (English abstract).
Labour market prospects for law graduates in Salzburg: Requirements and chances in the private business sector. In: Journal für Rechtspolitik 2000, No.2
The employment impact of communication and information technology in 2005: A possible application of the "long wave" concept? In: Kyrer A.: New Political Economics 2005. Munich 2000 (in English).
Problems of regional policy in the information age. Case studies from the Province of Salzburg. In: Bianchi M. (ed.): Enti publici e competitivita. Bologna 2001 (in English).
The economic policy guidelines of the province of Salzburg (with R. Hammer) In: Kriechbaumer R., Schausberger F. (Hrsg.): Fast eine Insel der Seligen. Handlungs¬spiel¬räume regionaler Finanz- und Wirtschaftspolitik am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel Salzburgs. Vienna 2002, pp. 35-51.
A long-term perspective on ecology-related topics in textbook economics. Contribution to the 7th World Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE). Sousse/Tunisia, March 2002 (in English).
Information deficiencies in place marketing and the scope for PPP: Evidence from the City of Salzburg. In: Luiz Montanheiro et al. (eds.): Public and Private Sector Partnerships: Exploring Co-operation. Sheffield Hallam University Press, Sheffield 2002, pp. 431-442. (in English).
Information and Communication Technologies and Regional Policy: What Can We Learn from Evaluations of Policy Instruments? In: uprava, letnik I, stevilka 1, September 2003; pp. 76-90. (in English).
Organisational re-structuring in public administration. Experiences of an Austrian district administration authority and its application to innovative methods developed by the Italian National School of Public Administration. In: Giuseppe Traversa, Maurizio Potente (ed.): L’orchestra burocratica. Modelli, metodi e strumenti per la e-adminstration. Scuola Superiore di Pubblica Amministrazione, Aracne, Roma 2004, pp. 158-168 (mit Rosmarie Drexler). (in English).
Strategic Information about a business location on the web: Investors’ needs and a local authority’s offer in Salzburg. In: Giuseppe Traversa, Maurizio Potente (ed.): L’orchestra burocratica. Modelli, metodi e strumenti per la e-adminstration. Scuola Superiore di Pubblica Amministrazione, Aracne, Roma 2004, pp. 231-245. (in English).
Tackling core issues of regional economic policy: Some considerations and recent experience from Salzburg. In: SIR-Mitteilungen und Berichte Nr. 31/2004-05, S.201-205 (in English).
The development of the number of bank outlets in Austria since the 1960s. In: Ulrike Aichhorn (Hrsg.): Geld- und Kreditwesen im Spiegel der Wissenschaft. Springer, Wien, New York; S. 309-326.
Public Private Partnership – a sustainable solution for the information society? Comparative Issues in the UK, Germany and Austria. Refereed paper in: CORP 2006, Proceedings edited by Manfred Schrenk. ISBN: 3-9502139-0-2 (with Ronald W. McQuaid) (in English).
Elements of a regional innovation system: Salzburg as an example. In: Christian Dirninger, Rupert Pichler und Reinhold Reith (Hrsg.): Innovationskultur in historischer und ökonomischer Perspektive. Modelle, Indikatoren und regionale Entwicklungslinien. S.211-228. Studienverlag, Innsbruck-Wien-Bozen 2006.
Art and culture as an economic factor in Salzburg. In: Herbert Dachs und Roland Floimair (Hrsg.): Salzburger Jahrbuch für Politik 2005, S. 150-169. Böhlau Verlag, Wien 2006.
Economic Aspects of a “Middle Layer” of Administration and Government: Evidence from Austria. In: uprava, letnik IV (2006), številka 2-3, (in English).
The significance of „sports“ in economic models of regional development. In: Sabine Urnik (Hrsg.): Sport und Gesundheit in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Wien 2007.
Economic foundations of public economic law [textbook chapter] In: Roland Winkler (Hrsg): Lehrbuch Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht. Vienna 2007.
Rural and peripheral areas as a target area of regional economic policy in Salzburg. In: Christian Dirninger u.a. (Hrsg.): Salzburger Regionenforum 2007. Vienna 2007.
The economy vs. ecology conflict in basic economic education. In: Michael Fischer (Hrsg.): Kollisionsfelder zwischen Wirtschaft und Ethik. Ethik transdisziplinär, Band X, Peter Lang, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften. Frankfurt/Main 2008.
Region, innovation, regional innovation system, governance: Concepts & Links. In: Nikolaus Dimmel and Wolfgang Pichler (Hrsg.), Governance. Vienna 2009.
Changing reasons for public private partnerships. Accepted for publication in: Public Money and Management (forthcoming January 2010, with Ronald W. McQuaid) (in English).
Policy advice and work reports (selection)
Analysis of the economic impact of Salzburg’s innovation support programme (1998; on behalf of the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce).
Information needs of investors in the Internet (2001; on behalf of the Business Services Unit of the administration of City of Salzburg).
Evaluation of the economic policy guidelines of the province of Salzburg. (2001; on behalf of the state government of Salzburg, department of economic policy).
New Forms of Work Organisation: The Obstacles to a wider diffusion. Country report Austria. Project on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs, coordinated by Business Decisions Limited/United Kingdom (2002, in English).
A proposal for new criteria for public funding under the state programme on village and urban renewal in Salzburg. (2003; on behalf of SIR – Salzburg Institute for Urban Policy Research).
Economic policy guidelines of the state government of Salzburg: Analytical part. (2003; on behalf of the state government of Salzburg, department of economic policy).
Masterplan for a new economic policy strategy of the city of Hohenems. (with R. Hammer, 2004; on behalf of the board of the city of Hohenems).
Salzburg’s banking industry since the 1970s (2004; on behalf of the Salzburger Sparkasse, research support by Volker Rothschädl and Christian Scherrer).
Value added effects and employment effects of the state programme for village and urban renewal (2005; on behalf of SIR – Salzburg Institute for Urban Policy Research).
Evaluation of the urban planning department of the Salzburg Institute for Urban policy Research (2007; on behalf of SIR – Salzburg Institute for Urban Policy Research).
An analysis of the potential to promote Salzburg’s health industry (2007; on behalf of the state government of Salzburg, department of economic policy).