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盛夏有你 相聚云端|2020bet365在线体育投注-bet365网站 线上暑期开学仪式

  发布日期:2020-07-13  浏览次数:


Online Summer School






At the beginning of 2020, the sudden appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic pressed the pause button on almost everything. Fudan University’s annual appointment with students from all over the world on the beautiful campus was forced to cancel……

BUT!! Even though we cannot hold our hands physically, we can still bridge our hearts through the Internet technology.

Let’s meet in the cloud!




73日上午,2020年bet365在线体育投注-bet365网站 线上暑期学校正式拉开帷幕,在Zoom线上会议室中举办了项目破冰活动。想象中在上海的大街小巷挥汗如雨、在教室里奋笔疾书、与教授同侪谈笑风生的场景终究是错付了。同学们隔着时差,吹着空调,抱着被子,打开zoom,在北京时间上午十点,互道一声:你好,请多关照~”


On July 3rd, the Summer School @Fudan SOE 2020 began its orientation to welcome students from all over the world. Despite the time difference and geographical distance, the students gathered together on Zoom meeting at 10 am Beijing time to greet each other and prepare for the upcoming summer program.



本次bet365在线体育投注-bet365网站 线上暑期学校共开设11门专业课程,涵盖了经济、金融、管理、量化研究、大数据和人工智能。吸引了来自全球19所大学的中外籍同学踊跃参与其中。


The Summer School @Fudan SOE 2020 offers 11 content courses covering economics, finance, management, quantitative research, AI and data science, and has attracted both Chinese and international students from 19 universities around the world.


线上开学典礼分为三个部分:欢迎致辞、项目介绍以及趣味竞答。引人入胜而又富有激情的演讲,详尽丰富的介绍以及妙趣横生的快问快答环节不仅让同学们对复旦大学,对bet365在线体育投注 ,以及对线上暑期课程有更全面的了解,也让大家感受到复旦自由活跃而不拘一格的精神风貌。


The orientation was divided into three parts: inspiring welcome speeches, detailed program introduction and fascinating quiz session These provided all the students with comprehensive knowledge of the online summer school, the School of Economics, and Fudan University. 



线上开学典礼由bet365在线体育投注-bet365网站 国际教育中心主管胡馨月老师主持。

The orientation was hosted by Xinyue HU, the Head of International Education Center of the School of Economics.


Welcome Speeches


首先由bet365在线体育投注-bet365网站 院长张军教授致欢迎词。张军院长表达了对同学们的殷切期待,希望同学们通过此次暑期课程可以深刻理解近40年来中国经济和社会的巨大转型。他说,中国成功抗击疫情就是一个我们需要欣赏中国经济体制和社会管理优势的最好例证。


Firstly, the Dean of the School of Economics, Prof. Jun ZHANG delivered the opening speech. He expressed his expectations for the students and hoped that they could develop a better understanding of the tremendous economic and social transformation of China in the past few decades. He took China’s successful combat against COVID-19 as an example to show that there is a need to recognize the efficiency and advantages of Chinese economic regime and social governess.





In addition to welcoming the students, Dr. Hui ZHUANG, Deputy Director of Office of the Global Partnerships, expressed his hope for all students to benefit from this summer program.



bet365在线体育投注-bet365网站 李丹教授,作为此次暑期学校的教师代表,着重介绍了此次执教的《中国当代经济》课程概况。该门课程是本次线上暑期学校选课人数最多的课程。李丹教授希望这门课可以让外国同学更加了解中国经济历史和中国奇迹背后的发展模式,同时也让中国同学对于我国的经济发展有更加深入的认识。


Prof. Dan LI from the School of Economics focused on introducing her course China’s Modern Economy which has attracted the most students of the summer school. She hoped that this course would enable both international students and Chinese students to obtain a better knowledge and understanding of the history of China's economy and the development pattern behind China's miracle.


Instructor of China’s Modern Economy, Prof. Dan Li

Program Introduction



在项目介绍环节,胡馨月老师向同学们介绍了复旦大学和bet365在线体育投注 的相关情况,以及本次项目的注意事项。胡老师带领同学们感受了复旦悠久的历史、享有盛誉的学术环境以及极高的国际化程度。为了让学生理解此次暑期课程的上课模式,她讲解了暑期课程所使用的学习平台和要求,告诉他们哪里可以找到学习材料,可以向谁寻求帮助。


During the program introduction, Ms. Xinyue Hu from the program office provided a general introduction of Fudan University and the School of Economics. Students were able to gain a glimpse of Fudan’s profound history, prestigious academic and research environment, and extensive global cooperation network. She also briefed about the program policies, online learning tools and platforms for this program. 




Fun Quiz





注:列文虎克 Antony van Leeuwenhoek 是第一个用显微镜来观察细菌和原生动物的人,成为现在的网络流行语,指的是网友们观察非常仔细,一点点小小的细微细节都能察觉得到。

PS Antony van Leeuwenhoek is the first person to observe bacteria and protozoa with a microscope, which has become a popular online saying. It means that netizens observe very carefully and can feel the tiny details.


The highlight of the orientation was no doubt the fun quizzes. Given a series of questions about Fudan and the summer school, students competed to see who could provide the correct answer first. Students who actively participated in the game were all busy typing their responses to get the "gifts for the first 10". They even tried to predict the next question by zooming in to the next slide's thumbnail. The enthusiasm of the students was stimulated by the witty questions and fascinating game design.






Due to the worldwide pandemic, we have no choice but to carry out the summer program in such a special way. Nevertheless, we believe this will create a very unique experience for all of us and we wish all the students a wonderful and meaningful summer!
