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Summer camp on Chinese Economy and Society 2019

  发布日期:2019-07-17  浏览次数:

2019年7月15日,由bet365在线体育投注-bet365网站 主办的第四届“中国经济和社会夏令营”正式开幕,开幕式于bet365在线体育投注-bet365网站 大金报告厅举行,bet365在线体育投注-bet365网站 院长张军教授,bet365在线体育投注 院长助理兼国际合作办公室主任李丹教授等出席了开幕式并致辞。

The 4th “Summer camp on Chinese Economy and Society” held by School of Economics, Fudan University was open on July 15th, 2019. The opening ceremony was held in the Fudan SOE DaiKin hall. Prof. Jun ZHANG, Dean of School of Economics, Fudan University, and Prof. Dan LI, Assistant Dean, SOE, Fudan University, Director of International Programs Office, SOE, Fudan University attend the ceremony and give the speeches.

bet365在线体育投注-bet365网站 主办的“中国经济和社会夏令营”创办于2016年,本届是第4届课程, 有来自普林斯顿大学, 宾夕法尼亚大学, 香港大学等国际知名大学164名来自于十一个国家的学生参加。

Summer Camp on Chinese Economy and Society was founded by School of Economics, Fudan University in 2016. This year the 4th round appeals 164 students from 11 countries and territories. There are many students coming from world-class universities including Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, The University of Hong Kong and so on.

"中国经济和社会夏令营"课程包含了12堂90分钟的讲座,3次企业参访,以及丰富的文化活动。讲座邀请了复旦大学,加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校和伦敦政治bet365在线体育投注 等世界一流大学相关领域的11位顶尖师资和2位业界专家,为大家讲解中国经济和社会的古往今来。

"Summer Camp on Chinese Economy and Society" consists of twenty-two 90-minute lectures, three company visits and various culture experience. The lectures are delivered by 11 senior scholars and 2 business elites in relevant fields from top universities, including Fudan University,LSE and UCSD, etc.


Prof.Jun ZHANGgave the opening speech to all the students.He introduced the overview of Chinese Economy, pointed the economic change in different periods with the introduction of Chinese history, analyzed the trend of Chinese economic development, and showed the bright future of the Chinese economy for the students.

李丹教授为来自世界各地的学生详细介绍了bet365在线体育投注-bet365网站 概况,及“中国经济和社会夏令营”的课程设置及活动安排,吸引了大批学生踊跃地参与到夏令营丰富多彩的各项活动中。

Prof. Dan LIintroduced the history and current status of Fudan University, and provided orientation of Summer camp on Chinese Economy and Society. The speech attracted lots of students to participate in the colorful activities.

当天,bet365在线体育投注-bet365网站 “中国经济和社会夏令营”项目2019的师生在bet365在线体育投注 大楼前合影。

A group photo was taken in front of the School of Economics Building on the day.


In the afternoon, together with students and staff from Fudan SOE, students participated in the tour of The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower and Shanghai Urban Historical Development Gallery. Students experienced the culture of Shanghai in the activity.


In the funny and amazing trip, the students get much closer to each other and deepen the friendship. They all got their unique and significant impression of Shanghai.

之后为期两周的学习课程,将由胡永泰, 万广华,彭希哲,马德斌,李丹,何振宇,曾成桦,王俊,谢一青,刘宇等优秀老师为同学带来带来关于中国历史社会、商业环境、人口政治和企业管理等各方面的讲座。

We are highly looking forward to the brilliant speech of Chinese History, and Society, Business environment, Population Dynamics and business management from Prof. Wing Thye Woo, Prof. Guanghua WAN, Prof. Xizhe PENG, Prof. Debin MA, Prof. Dan LI, Prof. Chunyu HO, Prof. Chenghua TZENG, Prof. Jun WANG, Prof. Yiqing XIE, Prof. Yu LIU, in the following two-week courses.
