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Call for Papers Conference on Chinese Economy (CCE)

  发布日期:2010-08-30  浏览次数:

Call for Papers

Conference on Chinese Economy (CCE)

December 10th – 11th 2010

Fudan University, Shanghai, China

The School of Economics at Fudan University, the Department of Economics at Chinese University of Hong Kong and the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University invite academic scholars to present research in the inaugural Conference on Chinese Economy (CCE). The objective of the conference is to create a forum to discuss new academic research on China. We welcome scholars from all parts of the world, and are happy to see papers covering all aspects of the Chinese Economy.

The conference will take place between December 10th and 11th this year to be hosted by Fudan University. During the two-day conference, we will allocate one hour to each paper to assure sufficient time for paper presentation, comments from a discussant, as well as general discussions. One of the sessions will be dedicated to a policy panel addressing a topic of high policy significance. The theme of the panel for this year is: “China's Labor Market: Recent Developments and Policies.”

The scientific committee for the Conference on Chinese Economy is composed of Chong-En Bai, Jiahua Che, Hongbin Li, Zheng Michael Song, Lijian Sun, Yi Wen, Dennis Tao Yang, Zhigang Yuan, Junsen Zhang and Xiaodong Zhu.

If you are interested in presenting a paper in the conference, please email a PDF file to[email protected]by October 15th, 2010. Papers should be written in English, with the except that papers in Chinese are also considered for the policy session. Preference will be given to empirically oriented or applied theory papers, which at least have a preliminary draft at the time of submission. Only authors of accepted papers will be contacted. We also welcome applications from those who want to participate in the conference without presenting or discussing a paper.

Limited funding is available for travel and local accommodation for paper presenters, especially for junior scholars. Please indicate at the time of paper submission whether you will require this funding or whether you will be able to cover your own costs.
