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Elite Doctoral Researcher Scholarships 2013 - 2014, University of Birmingham

  发布日期:2012-11-22  浏览次数:

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Elite Doctoral ResearcherScholarships 2013 - 2014

Dear colleagues

The University Graduate School is pleased to announce that it has ten Doctoral Elite Researcher Scholarships which will commence in the 2013-2014 academic year.

The Scholarships are available to outstanding overseas candidates of the highest academic aptitude holding an offer of a place to study for a PhD at the University of Birmingham starting in October 2013.Candidates from all Colleges are eligible to be considered for these awards.

A successful applicant will typically be top of their cohort of undergraduate students. The applicant’s profile of marks will be exemplary (equivalent to high first class with no marks in the IIi equivalent category or below). The quality of the institution should be judged by world university rankings. Applicants could already have research published in international journals as a result of Masters level research for instance. Their references will attest to qualities of academic achievement or research potential that make the candidates stand out above their peers. They may have won prizes within their institution, or even international prizes.

The Scholarship is conditional on nominated candidates achieving a first class mark (or equivalent) in their final examinations before beginning their PhD at the University of Birmingham.

Potential candidates should be nominated by their School or College. School nominations should be forwarded to the College PGR Lead by14thJanuary 2013. A College selection panel should then meet to shortlist candidates (no more than 5) to be considered by the University selection panel. Colleges are asked to send a rank ordered list of candidates and provide a paragraph describing the strengths of the application together with the accompanying supporting documentation to the University Graduate School by4th February 2013.

For more information about this opportunity please see the attached Guidance Notes. Nomination forms (to be completed by Schools/Colleges only), Guidance Notes and Scholarship Terms and Conditions documents are available at:

Queries relating to the DR Elite Scholarship scheme can also be sent to Rachel Patti ([email protected] Tel: 42898).

University Graduate School

University of Birmingham,



B15 2TT, UK


Twitter: @uobgradschool
